Botanical Extraction

Filtration housings and lenticular modules for removing particulate matter from botanical extractions and essential oils.

While we carry a wide array of micron retention sizes, we've found that most botanical extraction systems show good results with filtration at 1 micron for removal of particulate matter and general product clarity.

Retention of gums and oils which are often haze inducing in final extracts can be achieved both through mechanical separation (pore size) and charged retention. Our media has the capacity in both categories to support most processes but will be limited by the amount and concentration of gums and oils. In cases where a wash extract will have levels of gums and oils, a filter aid or cold settling are recommended.

Carbon and bentonite are common filter aids both for color removal and clarity. Additionally, Sparkolloid NFP is a helpful filter aid for the enhanced removal of gums and oils and often extends filtration capacity per batch by 200-300%.

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